[Interest] Using std::string in android projects

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Mon Jan 4 23:11:09 CET 2016

> That's the std::terminate's default handler. That handler is called when an 
> exception is thrown but not caught. What exception was thrown? Can you put a 
> catch block to see what it was?

I tried that, but it is crashing in not-my-code. I wrapped the areas with try/catch where I use the std::string class. Nothing.
> > My .pro android block:
> > android {
> > 	QT += androidextras
> > 	LIBS +=
> > -L/Users/jhihn/Downloads/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/
> > lib/ -lstlport_shared 
> Why are you using stlport? Can't you use libstdc++ like everyone else does? 
> For that matter, didn't I read a day or two ago that Android had switched the 
> NDK to Clang/LLVM, so libc++ should be the one people would use?
> >     LDLIBS += -l -lc -lm -ldl -lgcc
> This line does nothing.
> > /Users/jhihn/Downloads/android-ndk-r10e/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/libs/armeab
> > i-v7a/libstlport_shared.so }

Well there is a library that depends on the std::string class. I then use std::string to shuffle data into and out of the library, using QString/QByteArray as appropriate.  

It seems I may need to pass RTLD_GLOBAL to the dlopen() call. i.e. dlopen("stlport_shared", RTLD_GLOBAL| RTLD_LAZY) But qt is only assigning RTLD_LAZY. How can I alter this flag?

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