[Interest] Build a Photos(Mac) copy with Qt Widgets

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 16:03:27 CET 2016


On 19.01.2016 17:47, Hualet Wang wrote:
> Hi friends.
> I’m trying to build a Photos like application with Qt Widgets. The main view should be able to display the photos, delete items on demand. I’m not sure if QTableView is sufficient to accomplish the task. Any ideas or any suggested project that I can refer to ?

You can do this with QtMWidgets, specifically with AbstractListView.

For example look at this screen-shot:


QtMWidgets you can find here:


As I understood you need some kind of table, at this time table is not 
implemented in QtMWidgets, but you can do stuff with list where row will 
display more than one image.

If you are interested I can implement AbstractTableView like 
AbstractListView, I don't think that will take much time from me...

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