[Interest] Add margin spacing between QComboBox item icon and text ?

william.crocker at analog.com william.crocker at analog.com
Wed Jan 20 15:46:54 CET 2016

>> I do not remember why I added a styleSheet. Perhaps to make it more fat-finger
>> touch-friendly for Android or iOS. Anyway, I must re-think and re-test.
> I always tell my customers to stay away from style sheets. They are way more
> trouble than what they are worth.

My complaint:

Some things can be done both with a function call on a widget or
by applying a style sheet. This is good.

Other things can only be done using a style sheet.
This is bad because it forces the use a style sheet
and the application of a style sheet will fail quietly
if you make a syntax error. Even if your theory is right on.

I use C++ because I want a strongly typed language which complains during
compilation over a large class of mistakes. The style sheet processor never
says a dam thing no matter how much garbage I give it.


> I'd love to see this crap removed from Qt in Qt 6 completely. But that won't
> happen.
>> Thank you for taking time to reply.
> np :)
>>> On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:43 AM, Bo Thorsen <bo at vikingsoft.eu> wrote:
>>> Den 18-01-2016 kl. 19:36 skrev Edward Sutton:
>>>> When the QComboBox drop-down is activated, the icons overlay the text
>>>> making it hard to read.
>>>> Is there a property or style sheet to adjust this?
>>>> For the currently selected its, the icon and text have good spacing
>>>> QComboBox.
>>>> Item icon overlays text.
>>> I don't know what you did, but that's not how it normally looks. Obviously not.
>>> Bo Thorsen,
>>> Director, Viking Software.
>>> --
>>> Viking Software
>>> Qt and C++ developers for hire
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> Bo Thorsen,
> Director, Viking Software.

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