[Interest] TextField QML auto keyboard hiding/lose focus on touch events

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 18:16:15 CET 2016

Hello List:

Anybody have a tip or suggestion for IOS/Android Qt 5.5.1 -> Qt 5.6.0 Beta

I am using a TextField and the keyboard pops up whenever the input control
receives focus.

But I want the TextField to lose focus whenever you click/touch
outside of the control.

Not Just Tab & Enter that are VERY PC centric, not tablet/smartphone concepts.

Right now, the blinking cursor remains on the field and the
Android/IOS keyboard remains visible
when you use your finger and touch some where outside of the TextField.

Obviously, I want the keyboard to REMAIN if the user clicks on ANOTHER

Is there a QML way to do this?

I have some C++ and event filter ideas to make this happen, but those
are brute force ideas and there might be something that I don't see in
the QML TextField documentation.



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