[Interest] Stacking QOpenGLWidgets

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Wed Jan 27 16:18:22 CET 2016

27.01.2016, 18:11, "Uwe Rathmann" <Uwe.Rathmann at tigertal.de>:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to create an application with several QOpenGLWidgets ( no
> regular QWidgets involved ), where some of them are on top of others.
> My first results are promising, but I couldn't find out how to enable a
> transparent background for the widgets on top. I would like to have a
> similar effect as with setAutoFillBackground( false ) - seeing pixels
> from the widget below.
> But I also couldn't get setAutoFillBackground(true) working and had to
> fill widgets myself in paintGL(). As it is explicitly mentioned in
> the docs ( http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qopenglwidget.html ) I guess it
> is something wrong on my side.
> When having a regular widget on top of a QOpenGLWidget everything works
> like expected, but with QOpenGLWidget the background is always black.
> Has someone ever tried this or knows if it is possible to set up
> QOpenGLWidget not drawing a background at all ?
> I'm using the Qt 5.6 beta from December.

I guess software rendering is required in this case.


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