[Interest] Qt 5.7 & OpenGL & GLEW & Win

Matthias Thöny mthoeny at ifi.uzh.ch
Fri Jul 22 14:43:51 CEST 2016

Hi all,
Since Version 5.6/5.7 the trick with defining the glew.h before 
everything else does not work anymore and now I have troubles compiling 
my code. It works under 5.5.1.

The QT Moc step stops compiling at the first native OpenGL call and says 
that the function is not defined (e.g. glIsVertexArray , defined in glew.h)

The error appears just at the first file in the compiler's list. Also 
the Q_MOC_RUN command seems to be ignored. In addtion this error only 
appears on Windows. Under OSX it does not have any problems with 5.7 
(but probably because you stopped supporting OpenGL on OSX already :) 
and just put an #ifdef around everything).

Is it possible that with Version 5.6 you start rewriting macro 
definitions from glew.h as mentioned in the first answer here: 
http://stackcode.xyz/sc?id=is38350616 ?  Could that be the problem?

Do you have a solution or a workaround for that except using the 
predefined OpenGL Classes?


Matthias Thöny
mthoeny at ifi.uzh.ch
University of Zürich
Visualization and MultiMedia Lab
Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zürich
Room: BIN.2.C.03
Tel: +41 44 63 57138

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