[Interest] Drawing dashed line with QSGSimpleMaterialShader

Artem Fedoskin afedoskin3 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 00:50:16 CEST 2016

As I understand there is no way to draw dashed line in Qt Quick Scene Graph
so I decided to create shader material to do this.
I'm trying to apply this approach http://korkd.com/2012/02/15/dashed-lines/
to this example

   1. How can I get ModelView matrix in my shader? I need to multiply
   ModelView matrix by vertex to get its current position.
   2. How in this example works
   QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D? What values does it store?
   3. How can I pass sourcePoint (the first point of a line) to my shader?

If someone knows better way to draw dashed line I would be grateful to you
for telling me it.

Regards, Artem
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