[Interest] QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 14:14:49 CEST 2016


I'm working on project that use QGraphicsView.

I interactively group child elements (items) and ungroup. Everything is 
fine, but when I do ungroup, sceneRect in view increases. Look:

scene QRectF(0,0 800x630) form pos QPointF(0,0)

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-5 805x640)

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-5 805x640) <-- Normal state

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-186 805x821) <-- Here I did ungroup and sceneRect 

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-186 805x821)

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-186 805x821)

sceneRect QRectF(-5,-186 805x821)

scene QRectF(0,0 800x630) form pos QPointF(0,0) <-- But scene's 
itemsBoundingRect() is unchanged.

What it can be? Thank you.

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