[Interest] QGaphicsItem deletion

Konstantin Shegunov kshegunov at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 16:44:30 CEST 2016


On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Igor Mironchik <igor.mironchik at gmail.com>
> Exactly. I need to Line be as parent of handles but they should be
> parented to the scene (read form in my app) because I need boundingRect()
> to return exactly bounding rectangle of the line without handles. An I need
> handles to be removed with the Line if Line deleted.

I didn't have time to check if the graphics view manages the children the
same way as QObject hierarchies, but there's the QEvent::ChildAdded and
QEvent::ChildRemoved events. If they're fired within the graphics items'
object tree you could intercept them and with a bit of fiddling ultimately
null your handle pointers in Line if Qt had deleted the handles.

Kind regards.
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