[Interest] QML 5.7 QNX, module (or version) is not installed

Julien Bordes julienbordes at hotmail.fr
Thu Jun 30 17:33:18 CEST 2016

Hello Everybody,

I'm currently working on Qt 5.7 with QtWebKit compiled for QNX arm v7, I tested several QML applications, but I still have some troubles with two modules "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard" and "QtWebKit" on i.MX6.

First I copied the libraries to my i.MX6 target

|- lib
|- plugins
|- qml
|- translations

In the qml folder the two modules seems to be present

|- ...
|- QtQuicks
|  |- ...
|  |- VirtualKeyboard
|  |  |- plugins.qmltypes
|  |  |- qmldir
|  |  |- Styles
|  |     |- libqtvirtualkeyboardstylesplugin.so
|  |     |- plugins.qmltypes
|  |     |- qmldir
|  |
|  |- ... 
|- ...
|- QtWebKit
|  |- libqmlwebkitplugin.so
|  |- plugins.qmltypes
|  |- qmldir
|- ...

Qt paths are set on the target:


For the first module I compiled the virtualkeyboard example provided by Qt, this works on Linux 32 bits Dekstop, but when you load it in the QNX i.MX6.target, it does not lauch and display an error <module "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard" is not installed>. The code used in the qml file is <import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.1>

For the second module I tried to make a custom Flickable WebView, this also works on Linux 32 bits Dekstop, but there is a similar problem on the QNX i.MX6.target, it does not lauch and display an error <module "QtWebKit" version 3.0 is not installed>, here it does not found this specific version of the module. The code used in the qml file is <import QtWebKit 3.0>
Before that I already developped a QWebView widget also based on QtWebkit in another application to check HTML page display and it works both on Linux 32 bits Dekstop and QNX i.MX6.target. By the way this issue with QtWebKit on QML also impact Qt 5.6 LTS compiled for QNX arm v7.

I tried fo found information on the forums and Qt website but i don't really undertsand what I am missing about the imports. I also search for information about Qt supported features on QNX but the only page I was able to found is Qt status on QNX (https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Status_on_QNX) and there is no specific version "updates" after Qt 5.4



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