[Interest] Dynamic translations for mobile apps at runtime?

Jérôme Godbout jerome at bodycad.com
Thu Mar 3 23:31:40 CET 2016

I test it out, it work as long as the function is a direct function access,
you can't use module call like

MySingleton.myqsTr("My String") // don't work, lupdate does get this one
myqsTr("My String") // work

Could have put the function into it's own javascript .pragma library and
just import it in needed file. Is their a way to declare a global
javascript function into the engine with the binding still working? I just
don't want to add the function on each file if possible:

*function myqsTr(str) { return qsTr(str) + I18n.revaluate; }*

I may try to add the function into the RootItem of the QQuickView and hope
the context hierarchies will always find it everywhere to see if this work.

That's so close to work well...

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Jérôme Godbout <jerome at bodycad.com> wrote:

> Nice, I didn't knew about "-tr-function-alias", indeed this seem like the
> right thing to do. Will try this out. About speed, for the number of time
> you use the change language during runtime, it doesn't really matter, if it
> take a few ms more.
> Thanks for the tips!
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Julien Cugnière <julien.cugniere at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> 2016-03-03 18:50 GMT+01:00 Jérôme Godbout <jerome at bodycad.com>:
>> > We did the same thing into Qml, we have a C++ singleton equivalent to
>> your
>> > backend, that select the current language files and emit the QString
>> > property changed.
>> > qsTr("String to convert") + I18n.revaluate
>> >
>> > I wish they made underlying hook to revaluate the qsTr() with a signal
>> > connected like if the qsTr() have changed. This pollute the code all
>> over,
>> > only to be able to swap language on the fly.
>> Just an idea : you might be able to hide that I18n.revaluate with
>> something along the lines of :
>>     function myTr(s) {
>>         return qsTr(s) + I18n.revaluate;
>>     }
>>     Text {
>>         text: myTr("String to convert")
>>     }
>> Then you need to get lupdate to understand "myTr", which can be done
>> with the command line option "-tr-function-alias qsTr=myTr".
>> Although this incurs the overhead of a function call, which might
>> prevent QML from using its fast path for bindings evaluation. Not sure
>> if it matters.
>> Julien Cugnière
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