[Interest] [Qt Labs Controls 5.6] Customization recommendations

Nurmi J-P jpnurmi at theqtcompany.com
Fri Mar 11 17:30:12 CET 2016


> On 11 Mar 2016, at 16:42, Ronan Jouchet <ronan.jouchet at cadensimaging.com> wrote:
>> On 2016-03-10 19:09, Nikita Krupenko wrote:
>> 2016-03-10 17:19 GMT+02:00 Ronan Jouchet <ronan.jouchet at cadensimaging.com>:
>>>   -> That sounds nice for users wanting total control over the complete
>>>      style. But suppose instead I'm mostly happy with Material and
>>>      only want to *override some attributes*, much like I would do
>>>      with CSS in a webapp, and as opposed to wholly defining control
>>>      sub-items {label, background, ...}.
>>>      Is there a way to do that? Following the documentation sentence
>>>      quoted above, I'd just copy the whole `material` folder and start
>>>      tweaking, but then I'd have to merge my tweaks with upstream
>>>      changes brought by each Qt release.
>>>      Correct? Is this the workflow you have in mind?
>> You don't need to copy anything, you can just use button with Material
>> theme and override it's background or label. You can also tweak some
>> properties, like font or padding, that is used for creating and
>> positioning default background and label.
> Hi. Two things:
> 1. Sure, that works for a one-time, isolated tweak. But I'm talking
>   about tweaking *all* instances of a control. Thus the need to
>   "overlay" or fork my own variant of Material.
> 2. Even in the case of  a one-time change, remains the question of the
>   granularity of tweaks. Suppose I have a checkbox for which I want a
>   green-colored label. Is there a way to only override the color
>   property like I could with CSS?
>   I am totally able to wholly re-define the `label` property:
>   label: Text {
>      // dozens of attributes I don't want to touch but have to
>      // copy-paste from the reference Material implementation
>      color: "green"
>   }
>   Whereas I would like to simply
>   // fails and logs `Cannot assign to non-existent property "color"`
>   label.color: "green"
>   So in this case I could `property alias labelColor: label.color`
>   and later on set `labelColor: "green"`
>   ... but the alias would have to be in the source CheckBox
>   implementation, and I'm back at modifying Material, which was what
>   I wanted to avoid initially.
>   Am I missing something? More generally I created
>   https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51785
>> Also, note, that Qt Labs Controls is a TP in 5.6. The label already
>> became contentItem in 5.7.
> Yup, no problem with that, the documentation and "labs" namespace are pretty clear that the API isn't stable.
>>> 3. With upcoming desktop support in mind, would it be interesting to
>>>   add a third customization axis (alongside theme & accent) called
>>>   "density" that would adjust paddings like the [GMAIL] feature does?
>> There is opened BR: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51109
> Thanks! Keeping an eye on this one.
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Sorry for a late and short reply. Busy times... :) This forum thread describes the main reason why things are the way they are: http://forum.qt.io/topic/64198/qt-labs-controls-cusomization/4

J-P Nurmi

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