[Interest] Are slots even needed these days?

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Thu Mar 17 00:46:19 CET 2016

On 3/16/2016 5:02 PM, Scott Aron Bloom wrote:
> I find them both pretty bad L…  I have spent too much time, looking at other 
> people’s code trying to figure out “why” it wont connect, only to realize 
> someone had snuck in a “private:” second so moc didn’t generate the slot 
> information.
> I prefer “slotFoo” and “slotBar” as well as “sigFoo” and “sigBar”
> It really lets the methods stand out as slots and signals.. It also means, 
> don’t think “sender()” can ever valid if you are not in a “slotXYZ” function.

I actually prefix my slot method names with "slot_" and signals with "signal_" 
so they are also easily identifiable in the C++ module as I'm looking through 
the code.  More self-documentation.
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