[Interest] Qt Quick Controls 2 Button Fails in GridView
Nurmi J-P
jpnurmi at theqtcompany.com
Wed Mar 23 18:46:00 CET 2016
> On 23 Mar 2016, at 18:24, Mark R Youngquist <mark.youngquist at vantagecontrols.com> wrote:
> I've been enjoying my time with using the QtQuick Controls in the labs portion of Qt 5.6
> I have a scenario where I use a GridView with a delegate Button component with a custom background property. Once I run the application and scroll through the grid I receive several errors in my output and an equivalent number of blank spaces in the grid itself. As soon as I remove my custom background, everything works great. This occurs on both desktop and embedded builds.
> The main.qml code is as follows:
> import QtQuick 2.6
> import Qt.labs.controls 1.0
> ApplicationWindow {
> visible: true
> width: 640
> height: 480
> GridView {
> id: gridThing;
> anchors.fill: parent;
> cellWidth: 75;
> cellHeight: 75;
> model: 500;
> delegate: Button {
> id: control
> text: "Test"
> width: gridThing.cellWidth;
> height: gridThing.cellHeight;
> background: Rectangle {
> implicitHeight: 20;
> implicitWidth: 20;
> color: "red";
> width: control.width;
> height: control.height;
> x: 0;
> y: 0;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have a recommendation for troubleshooting this?
Hi Mark,
Looks strange. Please file a bug. I can see some "<Unknown File>: QML VisualDataModel: Error creating delegate” messages, but it requires some debugging to figure out what’s actually going on there.
J-P Nurmi
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