[Interest] Setting currentIndex in Qt Quick ComboBox does not work

Fabian Sturm f at rtfs.org
Wed Mar 23 22:24:02 CET 2016

Hi Jerome!

Thanks a lot for your help and I already read the article and tried for
another several hours. Unfortunately I still can only get one half
working. Here is the new code for the event propagation:

ComboBox {
    id: combo
    width: parent.width
    model: mymodel.items // order is important
    currentIndex: getCurrentIndex(mymodel.items, mymodel.item)
    onCurrentIndexChanged: mymodel.item = model[currentIndex]
    textRole: 'name'
    Component.onCompleted: {
    function modelUpdated() {
        console.log('model updated')
        // tried to set the index here but the vaue is already

With this the model is loaded first and then the index is set to the
correct initial value. But with this solution I can only append to the
model once and after the append, the index will be wrong.

I also don't seem to be able to save the currentIndex at the right
time. Therefore a small working example would really be great!

My updated code is again at: 

Thanks a lot,

Am Mittwoch, den 23.03.2016, 10:11 -0400 schrieb Jérôme Godbout:
> Hi,
> You have a binding problem here inside the combobox: 
> currentIndex: getCurrentIndex(mymodel.items, mymodel.item)

> > 
> > The sample source is here:
> > https://github.com/sturmf/python_samples/tree/master/pyqt_combobox
> > 

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