[Interest] QtPositionning, OS-X and GPS-USB

maitai maitai at virtual-winds.org
Wed May 4 20:06:52 CEST 2016


I am trying to use a GPS-USB on mac OS/X. I just connected the GPS-USB 
to the mac (latest OS/X, etc) hoping some magic.

I am familiar with QtPositionning that I use a lot on Android and iOS 
with no problems. Qt is 5.6, and I read that normally it should 
recognize my GPS automatically through GeoClue. That is not the case and 
I get an error that I cannot connect, in case I cut WiFi, otherwise it 
works. What I want is GPS location, not WIFI estimation (users will be 
at sea, without internet). I can probably manage it through a virtual 
serial connection, I suppose. But it should work, no?

I get 2 sources available when I start QGeoPositionInfoSource: 
"corelocation" and "GeoClue". I was expecting GeoClue to find my GPS-USB 
(fix is ok), but obviously it doesn't, or more probably qt doesn't find 

Any (geo) clue on that?

Philippe Lelong.

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