[Interest] [QtWayland] App window now showing in Weston

Ryan Elkholy, PhD, PE ryanelkholy at gmail.com
Thu May 5 23:30:12 CEST 2016


I have successfully built a yocto image that includes wayland and is using
the reference weston compositor on my target device. I have also
successfully ran Qt5_CinematicExperience as well as other example Qt apps
within weston.

My problem occurs when I run the same example apps or even a simple custom
app from my host device. I am using QtCreator to build and deploy the app
which works fine. Once I try to run the app I believe it runs successfully
because the Application Output behaves correctly and my target shows in the
running processes that it is actually running. The problem is that I do not
see the window for the app on the screen within weston. I am thinking it is
running off screen, but I am not sure about that.

Has anyone seen this problem or know of any possible fixes?

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