[Interest] qt.labs.controls / QtQuickControls2: ToolBar, Label / Image Colors, tinting...

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Sat May 7 11:08:36 CEST 2016

@ Xavier: the ToolButton Image still is black, but perhaps I did
something wrong. It's the first time I used a ShaderEffect
Do you really think it could cause problems on Android / iOS apps ?
Images are small images

@ J-P: ColorOverlay works well and also looks easier to understand for
mobile devs coming new to Qt because of labs.controls
So using a 'tinting' color I have to customize qt.labs.controls
containing images used in ToolBar, BottomNavigation, Drawer, ... - correct ?
here's the code - images attached

import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import Qt.labs.controls 1.0
import Qt.labs.controls.material 1.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
ToolBar {
    id: titleToolBar
    property alias text: titleLabel.text
    property color textOnPrimary: "White"
    property color toolButtonTintColor: "White"
    RowLayout {
        focus: false
        spacing: 6
        anchors.fill: parent
        Label {
            id: titleLabel
            text: "Sample One Page APP"
            leftPadding: 16
            font.pixelSize: 20
            elide: Label.ElideRight
            horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
            verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            color: textOnPrimary
        ToolButton {
            // always black:
            Image {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                source: "qrc:/images/menu.png"
            // onClicked: doSomething()
        ToolButton {
            Image {
                id: buttonImage1
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                source: "qrc:/images/menu.png"
            // still black:
            ShaderEffect {
                visible: true
                anchors.fill: buttonImage1
                supportsAtlasTextures: true
                property variant src: buttonImage1
                property color color: toolButtonTintColor
                vertexShader: "
                        uniform highp mat4      qt_Matrix;
                        attribute highp vec4    qt_Vertex;
                        attribute highp vec2    qt_MultiTexCoord0;
                        varying highp vec2      coord;
                        void main() {
                            coord = qt_MultiTexCoord0;
                            gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex;
                fragmentShader: "
                        varying highp vec2  coord;
                        uniform sampler2D   src;
                        uniform highp vec4  color;
                        uniform lowp float  qt_Opacity;
                        void main() {
                            lowp vec4 tex = texture2D(src, coord);
                            gl_FragColor = tex * color * qt_Opacity;
            // onClicked: doSomething()
        ToolButton {
            Image {
                id: buttonImage2
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                source: "qrc:/images/menu.png"
            // YEP: now it's white:)
            ColorOverlay {
                anchors.fill: buttonImage2
                source: buttonImage2
                color: toolButtonTintColor
            // onClicked: doSomething()

Am 07.05.16 um 01:25 schrieb Xavier Bigand:
> I think that is better to used a ShaderEffect instead
> of QtGraphicalEffects that comes with an FBO.
> An FBO can take a lot a GPU resources and doesn't works well with some
> Android phone due to bad drivers.
> I personally use this :
>     ShaderEffect {
>         visible: Qt.colorEqual(parent.color, "white") === false
>         anchors.fill: parent
>         supportsAtlasTextures: true
>         property variant src: image                                  
>                                // your Image item
>         property color color: parent.color                            
>                              // put your color here
>         vertexShader: "
>             uniform highp mat4      qt_Matrix;
>             attribute highp vec4    qt_Vertex;
>             attribute highp vec2    qt_MultiTexCoord0;
>             varying highp vec2      coord;
>             void main() {
>                 coord = qt_MultiTexCoord0;
>                 gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex;
>             }"
>         fragmentShader: "
>             varying highp vec2  coord;
>             uniform sampler2D   src;
>             uniform highp vec4  color;
>             uniform lowp float  qt_Opacity;
>             void main() {
>                 lowp vec4 tex = texture2D(src, coord);
>                 gl_FragColor = tex * color * qt_Opacity;
>             }"
>     }
> 2016-05-06 23:07 GMT+02:00 ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org
> <mailto:ekke at ekkes-corner.org>>:
>     Thanks, J-P,
>     I'll try it out
>     ekke
>     Am 06.05.16 um 21:19 schrieb J-P Nurmi:
>>     Hi ekke,
>>     One possibility for tinting images could be to use ColorOverlay
>>     from
>>     QtGraphicalEffects: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtgraphicaleffects-coloroverlay.html
>>     --
>>     J-P Nurmi
>>>     On 06 May 2016, at 19:49, ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org
>>>     <mailto:ekke at ekkes-corner.org>> wrote:
>>>     just noticed that in Qt 5.7 there's a new property
>>>     Material.foreground:
>>>     http://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.7/qtquickcontrols2-material.html#foreground-attached-prop
>>>     seems this didn't make it into the 5.7 Beta
>>>     from docs:
>>>     The default value is theme-specific (light or dark).
>>>     So there's no dependency between primary and foreground and I
>>>     have to calculate it by myself for text inside ToolBar
>>>     still my question about tinting images for Material
>>>     Am 06.05.16 um 17:59 schrieb ekke:
>>>>     it's really easy to create a Toolbar with Title and Menu using
>>>>     qt.labs.controls and Material style:
>>>>     import QtQuick 2.6
>>>>     import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
>>>>     import Qt.labs.controls 1.0
>>>>     import Qt.labs.controls.material 1.0
>>>>     ToolBar {
>>>>         id: titleToolBar
>>>>         property alias text: titleLabel.text
>>>>         RowLayout {
>>>>             focus: false
>>>>             spacing: 20
>>>>             anchors.fill: parent
>>>>             Label {
>>>>                 id: titleLabel
>>>>                 text: "ekke"
>>>>                 font.pixelSize: 20
>>>>                 elide: Label.ElideRight
>>>>                 horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
>>>>                 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
>>>>                 Layout.fillWidth: true
>>>>             }
>>>>             ToolButton {
>>>>                 Image {
>>>>                     anchors.centerIn: parent
>>>>                     source: "qrc:/images/menu.png"
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 // onClicked: doSomething()
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>>     I'm getting the primaryColor as background of ToolBar as expected.
>>>>     Problem is when primaryColor is a dark color and needs white as
>>>>     text color.
>>>>     Here's the overview of Material Color Palette where you can see
>>>>     when text should be black or white:
>>>>     http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-palette 
>>>>     I'm always getting black as color - is there something like
>>>>     *color: Material.textOnPrimary* ?
>>>>     Or do I have to handle this by my own logic or mappings ?
>>>>     Using a dark primary color not only needs white text color, but
>>>>     also white Images as used in ToolButton -> Image above.
>>>>     Do I need two different image sets for black or white ?
>>>>     Or is there something like 'tinting' an Image as for other OS ?
>>>>     (BlackBerry Cascades: setFilterColor(), Android:
>>>>     setColorFilter, iOS: tintColor = UIColor.redColor())
>>>>     Inside the Toolbar depending from Material primary color, I
>>>>     need black or white, also for BottomNavigation (Android)
>>>>     There are other situations where I have to 'tint' Images with
>>>>     the primary color as for selected buttons in iOS bottom
>>>>     navigation bar
>>>>     Would be great to get some hints or if there's something inside
>>>>     qt.labs.controls / QtQuickControls2 I could use - even with the
>>>>     risk of API changes in future.
>>>>     THANKS
>>>>     -- 
>>>>     ekke (ekkehard gentz)
>>>>     independent software architect
>>>>     international development native mobile business apps
>>>>     BlackBerry 10 | Qt Mobile (Android, iOS)
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> -- 
> Xavier
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