[Interest] localstorage metadata via sqlite_master

Jesus Fernandez jesus.fernandez at qt.io
Wed May 11 10:26:19 CEST 2016

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 02:46:16 PM Kevin Mcintyre wrote:
> I see that sqlite has table information via sqlite_master
> http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q7
> Is this table available in Qt localstorage?


I modified the sample from the documentation:

To get the info you should query this as a table, for example to show current tables in the 

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0

Window {
    visible: true

    Text {
        text: "?"
        anchors.horizontalCenter: /parent/.horizontalCenter

        function /findGreetings/() {
            var /db/ = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("QQmlExampleDB",
                                                   "The Example QML SQL!",

            /db/.transaction(function(tx) {
                // Create the database if it doesn't already exist
                /tx/.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '
                              + 'Greeting(salutation TEXT, salutee TEXT)');

                // Show all tables
                var /rs/ = /tx/.executeSql('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master '
                                       + 'WHERE type="table"');

                var /r/ = ""
                for(var /i/ = 0; /i/ < /rs/.rows.length; /i/++) {
                    /r/ += /rs/.rows.item(/i/).name + "\n"
                /text/ = /r/

        Component.onCompleted: /findGreetings/()


Best regards,
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