[Interest] Qt 5.6.0, QtCreator 3.6.0 and MSVC2015 - Compiler Issue

Cjb_SW Freescale cjb.sw.nospam at gmail.com
Tue May 24 19:02:20 CEST 2016

Dear All,
I want to use Qt 5.6 on Windows (my OS is Win10 64bit) with MSVC2015.
I have downloaded Qt 5.6.0 x86_MSVC2015 prebuilt binaries, together with
QtCreator 3.6

I also have MSVC2015 professional, which was already installed on my
I can run QtCreator, but I can't configure a compiler for that version of
Qt, since I do not have MSVC2015 in the auto-detected compilers tab.

And of course I cannot work..

Any suggestion?
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