[Interest] [Quick Controls 2] Best way to add binding arrow tip to Popup?

Jérôme Godbout jerome at bodycad.com
Thu Oct 6 20:19:24 CEST 2016

More a workaround then a real solution, but could work as long as the
triangle is still sharp 90 angle.

  id: component
  property real sizing: 10
  property alias color: rect_.color
  property alias border: rect_.border
  width: sizing
  height: sizing
  clip: true

     id: rect_
     width: component.width
     height: component.height
     color: "gray"
     // change the rotation values based on orientation here
     transform: Rotation { origin.x: 0; origin.y: 0; angle: 90 }

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 7:12 AM, Oleg Evseev <ev.mipt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm interesting how to add arrow tip to popup, that looks like this:
> If I understand correctly, according to http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-
> scenegraph-customgeometry-example.html I have an option to do custom
> shape qt quick item instead of simple rectangle with help of QSGGeometry.
> Is this a best way to do such things?
> Thanks in advance for recommendations.
> ---
> Regards, Oleg
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