[Interest] Roadmap for Qt Widget Styles. WindowsVista? Fusion? Other?

Phil Weinstein philw at indra.com
Wed Oct 26 20:10:05 CEST 2016

It would be helpful for us to know the Qt development community's 
thinking about *the future of Qt widget styles.*  Is, and will Fusion 
continue to be the (or a) favored widget style for the foreseeable future?

*Our context: * We are very late in the game porting our huge Qt 4.8.5 
application to Qt 5.  We can't easily move beyond Qt 5.5.1 because we 
are using QWebKit (including HTML-DOM API provisions, which are not 
available, nor readily possible in QWebEngine, being that the document 
"lives" in a separate process, as I understand).

All of our documentation currently uses the *WindowsVista* style, BUT WE 
ARE SEEING BUGGY QTreeWidget visuals in Qt 5.5.1 (we tried also Qt 
5.4.2. Same).

Specifically we are seeing this first bug, which was reported only in Qt 
5.6 and addressed in Qt 5.6.1 (under the second related bug).

  * *QTBUG-51799:* QTreeView on Windows: Artifacts when hovering/selecting

  * *QTBUG-52230:* The style of the QTreeView component get's screwed up

    More info: There is also sub-optimal highlighting (even with some
    artifacts left over) in item selection ornamentation.  That, and the
    tree open-close control's "hover" problem (and changing from
    triangles to +/-) don't always show up right away, but only after a
    certain amount of exercising QTreeWidgets.  (We're seeing this in Qt
    5.4.2 and Qt 5.5.1).

It looks like _some things_ were done in 5.6 itself to attempt to 
address WindowsVista style problems.  We've attempted to apply those 
changes (including those resulting from the QTBUG-52230 fix) to Qt 
5.5.1, but that became too complicated before we even achieved the 
desired result.

SO, we are thinking of taking the dive in switching from WindowsVista to 
Fusion.  But we'd first like to get an indication of how long that style 
will be recommended and well supported.

Thank you in advance,
Phil Weinstein, CADSWES
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