[Interest] Depth-first filtering for QAbstractProxyModel

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Thu Sep 8 09:32:03 CEST 2016

Op 07/09/2016 om 18:03 schreef Thompson, Adam B.:
> André,
> I’m just using a QStandardItemModel as the source model and a subclass 
> of QSortFilterProxyModel for the QTreeView mdoel. It seemed simple 
> enough to use QStandardItemModel for the model instead of a custom 
> data structure exposed via a QAbstractItemModel subclass since I don’t 
> need anything too complex in terms of storage, etc.
Seeing what you write afterwards, I think I disagree with that 
assessment. But, that could also be my bias against the QSIM class and 
the Q*Widget view classes. I think these are fine for toy applications 
or very small models, but not for trees with thousands of nodes and fast 
depth-first filtering capabilities.
> My understanding is I should be using some subclass of 
> QAbstractProxyModel to modify the presentation of the underlying 
> (source) model instead of having special logic in the model itself. At 
> least, that’s based on my interpretation of the Qt documentation.
Well, that's one way. But I think I would consider ditching QSIM and 
creating your own data store with a QAIM-derived model on top. You can 
design that store to the requirements you actually have, such as quick 
depth-first filtering. That is certainly going to be much faster than 
relying on a generic solution.

If you're not prepared to go down that route, I think I'd let the proxy 
or the source model build up some kind of index to speed up filtering. 
That would be easier to maintain if the model is fairly static rather 
than changing all the time, but that's information you don't give. You 
could do something like this if the data in the tree is not or only 
seldom is going to change:

Build up a single vector of items in your model with the piece of data 
you need to search on. That list is going to be in the order of the 
tree, depth first. Now, let each node in your tree keep the indices of 
the first and last item of the subtree for that node, so the index for 
the text of the node itself and the index of the last descendent of the 
node. You will see that every node contains a sub-range of the range of 
its parent node. Now when you search, you do a linear search over the 
list to find all matching items, ending up with a set of indices into 
that list. The visible nodes in your tree are now those where there are 
indices that fall into the range you stored when building up your index, 
which is a cheap, non-recursive test, especially since you do not need 
to check the whole list of indices for every node and the gathering of 
matching indices can be parallelized. Downside is: an insert is going to 
be very expensive as you'd basicaly would need to adjust all nodes that 
follow in the depth-first order. In your case, you could store the 
indices into the model itself.


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