[Interest] Object Picking using SceneLoader (Qt 5.7)

Eric Biagiotti eric.biagiotti at tseboston.com
Thu Sep 1 16:59:50 CEST 2016


I am creating a simple 3D viewer using QML and Qt3D. I just need to dynamically add objects to the surface of a mesh when the user clicks. I am using the SceneLoader component to load an obj file and its corresponding mtl file, but I can't seem to get an ObjectPicker component to work alongside the SceneLoader.  

Is ObjectPicker supposed to work along side a SceneLoader component? Is it more likely that the click event just isn't making it to the ObjectPicker? In the example code below, replacing the SceneLoader with a SphereMesh works. Any insight would be appreciated.

Item {
    id: modelViewerItem
    anchors.fill: parent
    visible: true

    property vector3d defaultCameraPosition: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 300.0)
    property vector3d defaultCameraViewCenter: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    Rectangle {
        id: scene
        anchors.fill: parent

        Scene3D {
            id: scene3d
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 0
            aspects: ["input", "render", "logic"]
            cameraAspectRatioMode: Scene3D.AutomaticAspectRatio

            Entity {
                id: sceneRoot

                Camera {
                    id: camera
                    projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection
                    fieldOfView: 45
                    nearPlane : 0.1
                    farPlane : 1000.0
                    position: defaultCameraPosition
                    upVector: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
                    viewCenter: defaultCameraViewCenter

                components: [
                    RenderSettings {
                        activeFrameGraph: ForwardRenderer {
                            camera: camera

                    InputSettings { }

                Entity {
                    id: faceEntity

                    components: [
                        SceneLoader {
                            id: faceScene
                            source: "file:///D:/generatedModel.obj"

                        ObjectPicker {
                            id: picker
                            onClicked: {

                        Transform {
                            id: faceTransform
                            translation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 30)

                Entity {
                    id: spotLight
                    components: [
                        Transform {
                            id: spotLightTransform
                            translation: camera.position

                        SpotLight {
                            id: mainLight
                            parent: camera
                            enabled: true
                            intensity: 1.5
                            localDirection: Qt.vector3d(0,0,0)

Thanks for your help,


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