[Interest] What don't you like about Qt?

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Mon Sep 19 20:59:58 CEST 2016

19.09.2016, 21:54, "André Pönitz" <apoenitz at t-online.de>:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 09:20:43PM +0100, Sérgio Martins wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  It's not unusual for us developers and contributors to lose
>>  perspective of what's important.
>>  After many years spent on very particular implementation details, it
>>  becomes difficult to see outside of the box.
>>  And because we already know the good aspects I'm asking only about the bad.
>>  No need to discuss or reach an agreement, just go ahead and enumerate
>>  what you don't like.
>>  Personally, I don't know (too much time inside the box), but after
>>  googling these came up frequently:
>>  - C++ is difficult, Qt lacks quality bindings for mainstream languages
>>  - moc (on build systems that don't automate this step)
>>  - FUD around licensing
>>  Please state your top ones, even if it was already stated by someone
>>  else, so we have an idea about which ones matter more.
> On the technical side:
> #1: The very existence of *two* largely incompatible technology stacks.
> #2: Lack of full C++ access to the stack that currently receives most
> development attention.
> [repeat]
> #6: Mandatory(!) use of JavaScript in said stack, embedded(!) in a DSL,
> thwarting any claims of being "declarative" and any originally hoped-for
> benefits for tooling.

6a. Mandatory use of particular implementation of JavaScript in said stack

> [#7: Incompatitible feature development for both stacks, would be a
> non-issue if #1 didn't exist]
> Andre'
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