[Interest] HowTo detect Android / iBeacons (Qt 5.8)

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Wed Apr 5 13:59:09 CEST 2017

I'm just developing a new example app to detect and manage Bluetooth LE
devices from Qt 5.8 (Android / iOS)

While implementing the BT LE Scanner part I got the question HowTo
detect if a discovered BT LE Device is an iBeacon / Android - AltBeacon.

Is there a way to do this with Qt 5.8 BT LE Classes ?

BTW: Over all I'm very satisfied with Qt 5.8 BT LE support. There are
some Bugs, but I was able to find workarounds.

Current Scanner and HeartRate example APPs are outdated and not fully
featured (checking all the possible error SIGNALs and states) So I
decided to develop a new Example app containing Scanner, HeartRate,
WeightControl. will be published at github probably next week.


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