[Interest] QML WebView modules

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Wed Apr 5 16:01:33 CEST 2017

05.04.2017, 16:58, "Mark Tucker" <mark.tucker at airborne.aero>:
> Where do I install it from? Is it a configure option?

If you are using Qt SDK installer, you probably need to build it from source, as there is no binary component for 5.5.1 or earlier

> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Konstantin Tokarev [mailto:annulen at yandex.ru]
> Sent: 05 April 2017 14:53
> To: Mark Tucker <mark.tucker at airborne.aero>; Kai Koehne <kai.koehne at qt.io>; Nibedit Dey <nibedit.dev at gmail.com>; Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com>
> Cc: interest at qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Interest] QML WebView modules
> 05.04.2017, 16:45, "Mark Tucker" <mark.tucker at airborne.aero>:
>>  Hi Kai,
>>  My problem is that despite having successfully compiled and installed both the qtwebkit and qtwebengine modules for Qt 5.5.1 on my desktop Linux platform, the QML statement
> You need to install QtWebView module
>>  import QtWebView 1.0
>>  Reports as being uninstalled/not available when I attempt to run my QML app on my Linux platform. (Note that using 1.1 instead of 1.0 produces the same effect). This import works on my target Android platform.
>>  There does not appear to be a specific "qtwebview" folder/module within my Src folder for my Qt version.
>>  I ran configure with no options, i.e. literally just "./configure" with nothing added.
>>  I can live with having to have different import statements for the different platforms if I have to, was just wanting to check that I wasn't missing something stupid/obvious.
>>  Thanks
>>  Mark
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+mark.tucker=airborne.aero at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Kai Koehne
>>  Sent: 05 April 2017 12:21
>>  To: Nibedit Dey <nibedit.dev at gmail.com>; Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com>
>>  Cc: interest at qt-project.org
>>  Subject: Re: [Interest] QML WebView modules
>>>   -----Original Message-----
>>>   From: Interest
>>>   [mailto:interest-bounces+kai.koehne=qt.io at qt-project.org]
>>>   [..]
>>>   With Qt 5.5 the Qt WebKit module is
>>>   deprecated:(https://wiki.qt.io/New-
>>>   Features-in-Qt-5.5#Deprecated_Functionality)
>>>   QWebView uses WebKit as the backend.
>>>   QWebEngineView uses Chromium as the backend.
>>>   WebView with the same name has been defined in both WebKit and
>>>   WebEngine. Hence import statement varies.[I believe this is the source
>>>   of confusion ]
>>>   import QtWebKit 3.0
>>>   import QtWebView 1.0
>>  Not exactly. The terminology is arguably confusing here, but the "QtWebView" import comes from the "Qt WebView" module (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebview-index.html), which is a module that abstracts different rendering engines (Qt WebEngine, native) away behind a simple API.
>>  So
>>  ---
>>  import QtWebView 1.0
>>  WebView {
>>    // ...
>>  }
>>  --
>>  should work both on mobile and desktop. On Android, iOS and WinRT the native browsers are embedded, on all the rest Qt WebEngine is used (if available).
>>  Regards
>>  Kai
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> --
> Regards,
> Konstantin


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