[Interest] Subclassing of QEntity

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Sun Apr 9 18:05:16 CEST 2017


09.04.2017 18:54, Igor Mironchik пишет:
> Hi,
> 09.04.2017 18:43, Igor Mironchik пишет:
>> Hi,
>> What should I know when subclassing QEntity?
>> I subclassed, in c_tor() gave parent node to c_tor() of QEntity. All 
>> is ok. If I populate scene before first rendering - everything is 
>> fine - I see all entities.
>> But if I dynamically populate the scene then I see only that entities 
>> that were created before setRootEntity() call.
>> What strangle is that I see all entities, even that that were 
>> populated dynamicaly but my subclassed entities...
>> What I miss? Maybe I have to do something when subclassing QEntity?
> I have to say that my dynamic entites start with scaling 0.0f and then 
> in timer event scale grows. Scale really grows, I chcked. But I don't 
> see my dynamic entities...

This is exactly the problem. If entity starts with 0.0f scaling then it 
won't be visible if you set scale to even 100.0f later... Start scale 
should be greater than zero...

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