[Interest] Tired of QML

Alexander Dyagilev alervdvcw at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 15:53:49 CEST 2017

Thanks for the link :)

On 4/15/2017 4:24 PM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
> try to read this book first:
> https://qmlbook.github.io/
> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Alexander Dyagilev 
> <alervdvcw at gmail.com <mailto:alervdvcw at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I like QML and its architecture.
>     I've tired of some of its non obvious things that are easy for
>     someone knowning QML and absolutely terrible for newbies like me.
>     On 4/15/2017 3:26 PM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
>>     if you tired of QML, go take some html+css+js as a antipattern
>>     and come back relaxed to QML
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Vlad

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