[Interest] Tired of QML

Alexander Dyagilev alervdvcw at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 15:59:59 CEST 2017

On 4/15/2017 4:37 PM, Oleg Evseev wrote:
>     I do not understand why this code does not work:
>     ListView{
>     anchors.fill:parent
>     model:downloadsModel
>     header:DownloadListHeader{}
>     delegate:DownloadListItem
>     {
>     preInfoColumnWidth:parent.header.preInfoColumnWidth
>     }
>     }
>     parent.header seems to be not accessible as preInfoColumnWidth initializes with 0. :(
> Firstly, header property is not an item of header, but a component. 
> headerItem property holds the header item created from the header 
> component. Also parent.headerItem.preInfoColumnWidth will not work, 
> cause delegate items will not be *direct *children of Listview.
> parent.parent.headerItem.preInfoColumnWidth will work, but better use 
> idListview.headerItem instead this mess of parents. 
Ohhh... That's what I was talking about. A more intuitive API or at 
least an explicit explanation for newbies in the docs would be 
>     So, I've decided to stick with global properties and use them to
>     set properties for both header and delegate. Works fine. 
> I think it's better solution. 
Now I think so too. :)
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