[Interest] Enumerating context properties from QML

Jérôme Godbout jerome at bodycad.com
Wed Dec 20 17:21:29 CET 2017

I'm not sure it will work but one might try. You might recover the object
context and maybe scan the meta object to find the properties.

*auto context = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(myObjPtr);*

Since there's no getter into the context directly. The only getter is
*contextProperty(const QString& name)*

Maybe the meta object of the context could hold some information, not sure
it will help but can give some idea.
*auto meta_obj = context->metaObject();*

Iterate on properties to see if you can extract some information out of it
*for(int i = 0; i < meta_obj->propertyCount(); ++i)*
*  auto meta_property = **meta_obj->**property(i);*

*  // check if the property hold anything of interest here

I'm really not sure if this could extract anything from Context value but
might worth a small test. Check into the meta info, maybe something can
salvage the information (we do this to inspect particular object to debug
them but for Context, I never really tried.

[image: bodycad] <https://www.bodycad.com/>
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388
E: jerome at bodycad.com

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On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Alexander Ivash <elderorb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Let's say I exposed 'property1' to QML from C++ using
> setContextProperty. How can I enumerate all the context properties
> exposed from QML side? I've tried enumerating properties of 'Qt'
> object but obviously it didn't work.
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