[Interest] Windows 10 + native QFileDialog + QPrinter + some magic = application hangs
Harri Porten
porten at froglogic.com
Thu Dec 21 11:41:35 CET 2017
On Wed, 20 Dec 2017, Rainer Wiesenfarth wrote:
> I have a strange problem that is bugging me for a couple of days now.
> Although I think the chances are low to find someone who experienced the
> same issue, I would like to give it a try.
Customers of ours reported issues that look related. We consequently filed
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49782 and reference it from our
Knowledge Base[0].
[0] https://kb.froglogic.com/display/KB/Automating+native+or+Qt+%28file%29+dialogs+in+Qt+applications#AutomatingnativeorQt%28file%29dialogsinQtapplications-Generalsolution%231Automatethedialogsvia{{nativeType%28%29}}
> I was able to strip the interesting part of my application down to these lines:
> QString sProject = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select Project File" ),
> m_sProjectFile, tr( "Project File (*.prj);;" "All Files (*.*)" ) ); // (1)
> QPrinter p; // (2)
> sProject = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select Project File" ),
> m_sProjectFile, tr( "Project File (*.prj);;" "All Files (*.*)" ) ); // (3)
> Case 1: Running my application on Windows 10 (four different machines):
> - (1) succeeds
> - (2) succeeds
> - (3) hangs the application in QWindowsNativeFileDialogBase::doExec() at m_fileDialog->Show(owner)
> Case 2: Embedding the above snippet into a small sample application on Windows 10:
> - (1) to (3) all succeed
> Case 3: Setting the QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog option on Windows 10:
> - (1) to (3) all succeed
> Case 4: Running my application on Windows 7 (several machines):
> - (1) to (3) all succeed
> I took a close look at the m_fileDialog in QWindowsNativeFileDialogBase for the Windows 10 case that gets stuck:
> - at (1), m_fileDialog references a vtable in comdlg32.dll!const CFileOpenSave
> - at (3), m_fileDialog references a vtable in OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll!0x...
> So it seems to be related to Windows "umbrella" libraries, but I have no idea how. I looked even deeper into where m_fileDialog is getting assigned and found
> the call to CoCreateInstance(), where CLSID_FileOpenDialog and IID_IFileOpenDialog is passed in both (1) and (3), but in (1) the comdlg32 object is returned
> while in (3) it is the OneCore... object.
> My guess so far:
> 1. The constructor or destructor of QPrinter could lead to the replacement of the object behind CLSID_FileOpenDialog, but
> 2. this replacement not done always, but is triggered by the "some magic" part in my application that is executed before (1)
> Any ideas what the "some magic" part could be? Unfortunately my application is quite complex and can not be stripped down easily...
> Cheers, Rainer
> --
> Software Engineer | Trimble Imaging Division
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