[Interest] QWE 5.9.3/Linux: chromium build trips over headers from the installed system openssl, protobuf-cpp

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 19:38:18 CET 2017

Michal Klocek wrote:

> I am sorry to say that but your build environment looks broken.
> Returning -I/opt/local/include for glib-2.0 (if this is true) is bogus
> and it will include newer openssl headers, since there are in
> /opt/local/include/openssl, (according to your build log). It looks like
> sth is misconfigured for pkg-config. Please note pkg-cofig always strips
> out system paths (expect you explicitly set PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS

So according to you a dependencies should never install their headers in the 
include root when that root is not / or /usr/local?

Or is the QWE buildsystem unreliable because it doesn't reorder the -I options 
(assuming that the issue in this thread can indeed be prevented by constructing 
the header dir search path with the "system" locations last)?

FWIW, I do set the CPATH env. variable to /opt/local/include.

Here's what happens when I remove the offending -I/opt/local/include:

More discussion: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55577


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