[Interest] How to exclude files from lupdate in .pro?
alexander golks
alex at golks.de
Wed Dec 27 11:36:21 CET 2017
Am Wed, 27 Dec 2017 12:47:01 +0300
schrieb Oleg Evseev <ev.mipt at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> According to documentation in qt there is a workaround lupdate_only{...} -
> conditional statement so the lupdate tool sees some file (for example .qml
> files) but the C++ compiler ignores them.
> I wonder if there is a opposite workaround some conditional statement (or
> something else) so the lupdate tool doesn't check some file/dirs, but the
> C++ compiler still see them.
> For example scanning
> INCLUDEPATH += "c:/boost_1_64_0/"
> by lupdate takes too much time.
> ---
> With regards, Oleg.
we use TR_EXCLUDE to exclude qt headers and sources:
message("excluding $(QTDIR)/../Src/qtbase/*")
TR_EXCLUDE += $(QTDIR)/../Src/qtbase/*
message("excluding $(QTDIR)/include/*")
TR_EXCLUDE += $(QTDIR)/include/*
* printk("starfire_translate: Are you kidding me?\n");
* linux-2.6.19/arch/sparc64/kernel/starfire.c
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