[Interest] Beautifier for QML

Gunnar Roth gunnar.roth at gmx.de
Sun Feb 5 18:06:49 CET 2017

> i I was wondering if anything similar existed
> for QML?

1. Look under menu extras/qml/js in QtCreator there is a format code entry. It is a bit sad , that you cannot assign the same key combination to c++ formatting as to qml/js formatting. You also cannot make qtc format qml/js code on  save as you can for c++ code. see QTCREATORBUG-16837 
2. There is a github project which extracts the functionality of the formatting as a standalone tool to be used from command line or a git commit hook script. https://github.com/jesperhh/qmlfmt. There is also QTBUG-55757

I miss the functionality to let the formatter also change the order of properties, states, function, aliases etc. so that it follows a common rule set.

> Quite a lot of devs in our team are shying away from Qt/QML
> because of that reason.
Really? Modern times… in school we had to use cards and blackened squares on it to program a wang computer ...	

Gunnar Rioth

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