[Interest] Fonts Puking on Qt 5.7.1:

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 02:12:44 CET 2017

Just run the following QML on iphone, android, and OSX and you will
see the great
QML Font Mystery.

All devices set to display English language.

On OSX 10.11.5 -> there are 2 different weights
On Ipad 2 running IOS 9.3.2-> there are 2 different font weights.
On Ipad Mini V1 running IOS 9.3.2-> there are 2 different font weights.
On Nexus 7 2013, Android 5.1.1-> there are 4 different font weights.
On Motorola G 2014 -> there are 4 different font weights

On Iphone 6, running 9.3.2, there is only 1 SINGLE font weight.  There
is no BOLD text available.

Maybe this link works for public users:

Who has other IOS devices that could test this?



Here is the sample QML:

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.5

Window {

    visible: true
    visibility: Qt.WindowFullScreen
    color: "white"


        anchors.fill: parent
        boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
        contentHeight: gcol.childrenRect.height
        contentWidth: gcol.childrenRect.width

            id: gcol
            spacing: 2

                Text { text: "Thin" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "ExtraLight" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "Light" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "Normal" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "Medium" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "Demi" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "Bold" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }
                Text { text: "ExtraBold" ; font.pointSize: 12; width: 300 }

                model: 100

                    Text { id: gcont; text: ""+(index+1) ;
font.pointSize: (index+1); font.weight: Font.Thin ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.ExtraLight ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.Light ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.Normal ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.Medium ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.DemiBold ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.Bold ; width: 300 }
                    Text { text: ""+(index+1) ; font.pointSize:
(index+1); font.weight: Font.ExtraBold ; width: 300 }

                        color: "black"
                        width: 10
                        height: gcont.height

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