[Interest] QTest + QSignalSpy doesn't seem to work with deferred signals

Konrad Rosenbaum konrad at silmor.de
Wed Jan 18 18:28:13 CET 2017


On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:16:30 Bob Hood wrote:
> I'm trying to develop a unit test for an deferred signal; i.e. one that
> won't be emitted until the event loop has been allowed to run.  The case
> looks like:
>    void MyTest::user_info_deferred()
>    {
>        QVERIFY(qnam_class_ptr != nullptr);
>        QSignalSpy spy(qnam_class_ptr, &QNAMClass::signal_userInfoReceived);
>        // Retrieve account user information (deferred)
>        QCOMPARE(qname_class_ptr->userInfo(), true);

I think you need to insert a spy.wait(...) here. Give the event loop a chance 
to run...

>        QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);   // make sure the signal was emitted
> exactly one time
> QNAMClassUser info = qvariant_cast<QNAMClassUser>(spy.at(0).at(0));
>    }

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