[Interest] Updating NumberAnimation from/to at runtime
Shantanu Tushar
shaan7in at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 15:59:00 CEST 2017
This worked like a charm-
alwaysRunToEnd: false
onToChanged: restart()
Thanks everyone!
On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 7:37 PM, Jérôme Godbout <jerome at bodycad.com> wrote:
> so probably doing like Mark point out
> *alwaysRunToEnd: false*
> onToChanged: restart()
> seem to work but very slowly, wonder if there's something better to be
> done here, much more like a state animation.
> [image: bodycad] <https://www.bodycad.com/>
> Jerome Godbout
> Software Developer
> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
> T: +1 418 527-1388 <+1%20418-527-1388>
> E: jerome at bodycad.com
> www.bodycad.com
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> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Mark Tucker <mark.tucker at airborne.aero>
> wrote:
>> From my experience, once started, you cannot dynamically change the
>> parameters (such as from, to, duration) of an animation in such a way,
>> without restarting the animation. Doing so simply has no effect on the
>> already running animation.
>> In other words, the values are taken as an assignment at the point at
>> which it's started and will not change until the animation is restarted.
>> -Mark
>> *From:* Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+mark.tucker=
>> airborne.aero at qt-project.org] *On Behalf Of *Kristoffersen, Even (NO14)
>> *Sent:* 14 July 2017 14:00
>> *To:* interest at qt-project.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Interest] Updating NumberAnimation from/to at runtime
>> You can try to force binding with Qt.binding().
>> -Even
>> *From:* Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+even.
>> kristoffersen=honeywell.com at qt-project.org
>> <interest-bounces+even.kristoffersen=honeywell.com at qt-project.org>] *On
>> Behalf Of *Shantanu Tushar
>> *Sent:* 14. juli 2017 11:27
>> *To:* interest at qt-project.org
>> *Subject:* [Interest] Updating NumberAnimation from/to at runtime
>> Hi,
>> Consider the following code which draws two rectangles - a red rectangle
>> which contains another blue rectangle.
>> Rectangle {
>> id: r1
>> anchors.centerIn: parent
>> width: 300; height: 100
>> color: "red"
>> Rectangle {
>> id: r2
>> width: 100; height: 100
>> color: "blue"
>> NumberAnimation on x {
>> loops: Animation.Infinite
>> from: 0; to: r1.width-r2.width
>> duration: 1000
>> onToChanged: console.log(to)
>> }
>> }
>> NumberAnimation on width {
>> loops: Animation.Infinite
>> from: 300; to: 100
>> duration: 10000
>> }
>> }
>> The blue rectangle is supposed to keep moving inside the red rectangle by
>> means of a NumberAnimation. However, the width of the red rectangle changes
>> according to another animation.
>> I thought this will work fine and the blue rectangle will be confined to
>> the red rectangle because of the following binding-
>> to: r1.width-r2.width
>> However, thats not what happens. The blue rectangle overflows the red
>> rectangle, as if the binding never got updated. But, I can see that the
>> `console.log(to)` does prove the binding is working.
>> (Screenshot at http://i.imgur.com/yDTYbv9.png
>> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FyDTYbv9.png&data=02%7C01%7Ceven.kristoffersen%40honeywell.com%7C5b50a750b34e473ffd8708d4ca9a91e0%7C96ece5269c7d48b08daf8b93c90a5d18%7C0%7C0%7C636356212616706749&sdata=D17jHatSL1gf3XFPYQpAebB2e1H7T7nmzhLvi%2BPcB5g%3D&reserved=0>
>> )
>> Is this a limitation of NumberAnimation? Or am I using it wrong?
>> --
>> Shantanu Tushar (UTC +0530)
>> shantanu.io
>> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshantanu.io&data=02%7C01%7Ceven.kristoffersen%40honeywell.com%7C5b50a750b34e473ffd8708d4ca9a91e0%7C96ece5269c7d48b08daf8b93c90a5d18%7C0%7C0%7C636356212616706749&sdata=E80rwaltPVsx1m%2FToEC8aIY1%2F9fwpeFCfxrLlThOxTs%3D&reserved=0>
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Shantanu Tushar (UTC +0530)
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