[Interest] QML disappointments
Jérôme Godbout
jerome at bodycad.com
Fri Jun 23 19:24:47 CEST 2017
The backbone of Qml is better then QWidgets IMO, the GUI surface layer lack
some serious attention, look like a bunch of C++ coder found it fun to
design and code the core and left the GUI part to a rookie.
Try to use the Qml TreeView and see how much fun you will get! you need to
create a C++ model each time. GroupBox in QtQuick.Controls 1.x was also a
pain with title sizing versus contain. Many basic widgets are missing. We
are still stuck with a QWidgets for Dock windows which is a pain to mix
with QWindow.
The old style system was a pain, haven't try the QtQuick.Controls 2.x just
yet, we are porting to Qt 5.9 (from 5.5). I was having high hope on it to
clear our old styles, we made our own to override the built-in one to make
sure we get consistency between platform. I was hoping for more uniformity,
from what I read here, I guess we will have to do the full work again,
that's sad news.
Once you have done a few solid component, a few solid helper functions and
a good debugger and property crawler for you Qml GUI, it go well overall.
Just that the out of the box Qml offering is pretty dry.
I like Qml, just wish some Component were revisited (Repeater performance
anyone, QQmlListProperty annoyance over a simple Javascript Array) and they
have better out of the box features, here's a list of stuff we have
implemented that is nearly essential to have something running smooth into
- PropertyProxy to sync 2 property together without binding loop
- Proxy between value and VariantList/VariantMap entry
- vector3d, quaternion math, vector4d and matrix4x4 math function
- logger stack call
- JS Array/Map prototype to bring it to at least ECMA-262 (find(),
findIndex(), ...)
- Optional deep binding assignation (myobj.mysubobject.x where myobj may
or may not exist, a ternary (? : ) could work for not too deep, but if you
have a 4+ . into expression it turn into a big mess
- Validator on object property
- qsTr() + I18n.revaluate alike to update the translate when language
change at runtime (could just emit the qsTr() function changed or simply
wrap a property into it that could emit change when the loaded resource
change and all the normal qsTr() would revaluate).
Feel like Qml is a good design but no real application have been developed
with it only really simple example.
That's my point of view, we still got a few big 3D CAD software made with
Qml, so it's clearly decent enough.
P.S.: One bug I found pretty annoying is the Qml qmldir declared singleton
are not per engine. It cost us a features that would have been so nice.
[image: bodycad] <https://www.bodycad.com/>
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T: +1 418 527-1388
E: jerome at bodycad.com
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On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Nishant Parashar <nishsites at gmail.com>
> Qt company belive that qml is the best thing that happened to qt. So many
> years have passed and we still see this.
> Reminds me of Nokia, they kept saying windows phone will succeed. Too late.
> Problem is that unlike windows phone Qt has no serious compitition (well
> wxwidgets is not that level). So Qt can live longer.
> I miss QWidget.
> On 23-Jun-2017 8:52 PM, "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:
>> So I've been using Qt for years (2004) and I like a lot about it.
>> But QML continually disappoints. I just don't remember all these
>> rendering issues on QWidgets. They Just Worked (tm). But QML fails to
>> render reliably on all platforms. Whether it's mipmap on iOS, SVG scaling
>> on Android... QtQuick Controls 2 was supposed to be good, but things don't
>> even look right on the provided styles. I like that I can quickly throw an
>> app together, but the lack consistency is between platforms and even themes
>> on the _SAME_ platform is rather distressing.
>> Someone needs to go through and check that a given QML file renders the
>> appropriately on all styles on all platforms. Capture the window to an
>> image and pixel compare the images for the same style (Universal) on
>> different platforms.
>> Or better yet, have some way to preview multiple platforms in a preview.
>> I don't know if you can assign a host box to render the platforms, but
>> something that submits the QML to a render farm and send screenshots back
>> would be fine. Have the host send events to the other QML and check
>> behavior too.
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