[Interest] What is the status of Qt and MinGW 64 for Windows?

Carel Combrink carel.combrink at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 11:17:18 CET 2017


I would like to get a status update on what is the current
thinking/planning regarding 64-bit applications on Windows using MinGW?

I am fully aware of the MinGW-64-Bit <https://wiki.qt.io/MinGW-64-bit> page
on the wiki, and have been following it for a while now.

Although the page has a lot of information regarding the different options,
what is the conclusion?

Does the Qt Company plan to ship 64-bit MinGW Qt binaries with the
installer (Opensource or Commercial) or is this completely off the roadmap?

Should one rather switch to the MSVC compiler that does support compiling
to 64 bit for which the installer contains the needed 64-bit binaries?

Any input will be appreciated to help in determining the correct route, to
start the transition to 64-bit applications.

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