[Interest] QML Video component fails to stream video on Windows

Pasiak, Emily EPasiak at neptec.com
Mon Mar 20 20:52:11 CET 2017

Hi all,

I am working on connecting a webcam that streams mjpeg through a url source. I have been using the qml Video component to stream and display the webcam feed. When I build and run my program on Linux with GStreamer installed the video feed will display just fine. However when I compiled the same code in VS13 no visual feed is displayed. I added some code for debugging to verify if there were any errors loading, connecting or displaying the feed but the error code returned as "MediaPlayer.NoError - there is no current error".

My original suspicion would be that I am missing a media service component to display the video feed however if that were the case the error code should return as "MediaPlayer.ServiceMissing - the video cannot be played because the media service could not be instantiated.". I do not have GStreamer installed on Windows but I am also unsure if this is required for both Linux and Windows or if the media services used by Qt differ between these platforms. QML provides no other error messages when running the application. When the application window is closed the program continues to run unless I force quit via the terminal in which case the terminal displays this message : "QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread".

Some relevant code:

import QtMultimedia 5.7
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

Item {
       id: root
       height: 200
       width: 200

       Video {
           id: video
           height: 40
           width: 40
           source: "myURL"
           autoPlay: true

If anyone has any idea as to what I am missing or if I am implementing something incorrectly your help and feedback would be very much appreciated.

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