[Interest] Align text to top of Text

Shantanu Tushar shaan7in at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 20:51:27 CEST 2017


I'm trying to align some text in a Text so that it exactly touches the left
and top edges of the Text item. With the following-

Rectangle {
    anchors { fill: parent; margins: 5 }
    border { width: 1; color: "red" }

    Text {
        anchors.fill: parent

        topPadding: 0
        verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignTop
        text: "HELLO WORLD"

I am able to get the following result-

As you can see there is still space between the text and the topmost edge
of the Text. How do I eliminate this space?


Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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