[Interest] qt example of virtual keyboard on virtualbox ubuntu&kubuntu

Jonathan Greig redteam316 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 05:03:23 CET 2017

Jonathan P. Greig
aka redteam316
RIP 6/13/1984 - 2/7/2016

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 5:02 AM, Mitch Curtis <mitch.curtis at qt.io> wrote:

> It could be https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54088?
> The issue isn’t in the .pro; the integrated InputPanel approach (or
> ”Applictaion integration”: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/
> qtvirtualkeyboard-deployment-guide.html#integration-method) will pretty
> much always work, as it simply puts the InputPanel in the same scene as the
> rest of your application. The Desktop integration is more tricky, as you
> can see in QTBUG-54088.
> *From:* Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+mitch.curtis=qt.io at qt-project.
> org] *On Behalf Of *Dmytro Haponov
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 27 September 2017 9:52 PM
> *To:* interest at qt-project.org
> *Subject:* [Interest] qt example of virtual keyboard on virtualbox
> ubuntu&kubuntu
> example of virtual keyboard in qt5.7,5.9 has an issue on both ubuntu &
> kubuntu that are guests on virtualbox - keyboard is invisible, that is it's
> somewhere at the bottom of editLists that form the app built from example,
> and you can press it so that symbols are typed, but you cannot see the
> keyboard itself. And the app is hanging quite seriously on kubuntu in case
> of full screen.
> Latest version of virtualbox on windows is used.
> ubuntu 16.04, kubuntu can look at tomorrow (writing from home).
> qt virtual keyboard example works fine on ubuntu and windows that are not
> on virtual box (don't know about kubuntu).
> I managed to find the source of issue on virtualbox, it's in .pro file
> here:
> disable-desktop|android-embedded|!isEmpty(CROSS_COMPILE)|qnx {
>     DEFINES += MAIN_QML=\\\"basic-b2qt.qml\\\"
> } else {
>     DEFINES += MAIN_QML=\\\"Basic.qml\\\"
> }
> I have the second define always working. If I force the first one to be used, then keyboard works fine. Btw, host windows works on both files.
> So the question is - is there any lib lacking on my non-windows guests (disable-xcb flag does not seem to be set right) or is this a problem of virtual box?
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