[Interest] Black magic or voodoo?

Nuno Santos nunosantos at imaginando.pt
Wed Nov 15 12:37:08 CET 2017


I’m suffering from a stupid problem which I can’t understand the reason of it.

I have been using in all of my projects a shared architecture. There is a common tree defined as a .pri that I include in all apps using include(../shared/shared.pri). That shared tree has qml resources that I’m able to use in all my apps by simple declaring their name in the qml. For instance, if I have a XPTO.qml in the resources, I’m able to declared saying XPTO { }

Yesterday I created a new test app to make an isolated test to a shared qml component and on this new app, but it doesn’t recognise that shared component. Actually, it doesn’t recognise ANY shared component. 

The most awkward thing is that I have another test app that include the very same .pri, uses the very same Qt kit and has the same .pro structure and it is able to recognise the component bundled on the shared tree.

How can this be? I’m getting crazy!

Any ideas?




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