[Interest] minimum macOS runtime version for Qt 5.9+
Michael Jackson
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Nov 29 17:09:04 CET 2017
I vote NOT to. -1. Each business has to decide at what point is supporting the older hardware detrimental to their bottom line. For my business, I drew the line at 2 major releases behind Apple which aligns well with Qt. I service higher education and govt labs where people stay with hardware as long as possible for personal or corporate IT reasons. I weighed servicing those few clients with NOT having access to things like newer C++11 & C++14 because I had to support those older compilers and for my business that just didn't make sense. We _want_ to use the newer enhancements to C++ to make our developing lives easier and create more solid and stable code that the newer C++ and tooling brings. I communicate well in advanced our plans so that it isn't a "secret" to anyone. I recognize that _your_ business may have different needs and reasons than mine. There is no "correct" answer in this discussion. I just need a clear road map from Qt about what versions of Qt will support which operating systems so that I can plan accordingly, and I have not had a problem getting that information.
We also had a MacPro4,1 (2009 era, Dual Quad Core) that could not be upgraded to macOS Sierra so we turned it into a nice Windows 10 workstation instead. Total Cost $150 for the Windows 10 Pro license. Linux would have worked also. Those "cheese grader" MacPro machines just keep going. Nothing wrong with them.
Michael Jackson | Owner, President
BlueQuartz Software
[e] mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
[w] www.bluequartz.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Interest <interest-bounces+mike.jackson=bluequartz.net at qt-project.org> on behalf of Pavel Mogilevskiy <pmogilevskiy at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 8:33 AM
To: "coroberti ." <coroberti at gmail.com>, Hamish Moffatt <hamish at risingsoftware.com>, "interest at qt-project.org" <interest at qt-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Interest] minimum macOS runtime version for Qt 5.9+
Same here. We have users which don't have a chance for some reasons to
upgrade to the latest OS X version, therefore we are using Qt 5.8
(instead of Qt 5.9 LTS which we are using across other OSs) to support
at least OSX 10.9.
So I vote for support older OS X versions as long as possible.
On 11/29/2017 3:08 PM, coroberti . wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Hamish Moffatt
> <hamish at risingsoftware.com> wrote:
>> On 29/11/17 14:46, Jake Petroules wrote:
>>> Why do you need to support older versions?
>> Because my customers are using them, right back to 10.7. They are
>> educational institutions with whole labs of machines set up the same way -
>> they probably get one chance a year to upgrade, and for whatever reason they
>> haven't so far. I can't stick to old Qt versions either because of various
>> bugs. 5.6 LTS has issues with accessibility crashes on newer macOS. 5.8 is
>> crashing in file open dialogs on 10.13. Thus I'm stuck.
> Exactly, my case with edu users.
> They are using Mac HW for up to 10 years.
> About 1/3 is not upgradeable anymore: 10.7 and 10.8
>> I wish there was a bit more of a time window before you deprecate old
>> versions. 10.7 is no older than Windows 7.
> +1
> Kind regards,
> Robert
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