[Interest] Only 9 QML components can be created partially?
Richard Weickelt
richard at weickelt.de
Sun Oct 1 11:16:55 CEST 2017
the following example fails after 9 loop iterations:
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtQml>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent* components[47];
QObject* objects[47];
for (int i = 0; i <= 47; i++)
components[i] = new QQmlComponent(&engine);
components[i]->setData("import QtQml 2.0\n QtObject{}", QUrl());
objects[i] = components[i]->beginCreate(engine.rootContext());
Q_ASSERT(objects[i] != NULL);
Command line:
$ test
QQmlComponent: Component creation is recursing - aborting
ASSERT: "objects[i] != NULL" in file /XXX/testmain.cpp, line 16
I do not see, how this relates to recursion. The root cause seems to be
In fact, this patch does not detect recursive component creation. But it
triggers when more than 9 components are partially created, no matter in
what structure/order.
Q1: Is the implementation in QQmlComponent wrong?
Q2: Is my use case a valid one?
Background: I need to create a couple of QML components, but I cannot
complete creation until all components are partially loaded. Each component
has a (constant) property that needs to be evaluated first. Depending on
that, some properties will be injected in the other components.
Q3: Can I achieve that in a different (but simple) way?
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