[Interest] Calling QT Class method from pthread thread

Harish Surana surana4u at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 14:12:02 CEST 2017

>From Qt Documentation

"As mentioned, each program has one thread when it is started. This thread
is called the "main thread" (also known as the "GUI thread" in Qt
applications). The Qt GUI must run in this thread. All widgets and several
related classes, for example QPixmap <http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpixmap.html>,
don't work in secondary threads. A secondary thread is commonly referred to
as a "worker thread" because it is used to offload processing work from the
main thread."

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado <
gaguilar at aguilardelgado.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm facing a problem that don't know how to tackle. I created a library
> that runs on C. It's based on callbacks and it seems to work in other
> projects well.
> When connecting to Qt and classes I found a couple of problems that now
> they are extending.
> It seems that I cannot set a callback from C directly to a class, so I
> created an intermediate static function that will wrap the call to the
> class.
> static gboolean callbackWrapper(SG64ZeroMQ* mq, ThriftStruct* message,
> gpointer data, GError **error) {     qDebug("Message received");
> MQMessageManager *self = static_cast<MQMessageManager*>(data);
> fflush(stdout);     qDebug("Thread of the call %x",
> QThread::currentThread());     self->processMessage(mq, message, error);
> return TRUE; }
> Nice. We get the class from the callback. Do a static cast and go ahead
> with processing. But I want to notify other class that a event happend,
> with a Signal.
> For completeness I include also constructor.
> MQMessageManager::MQMessageManager() : error(NULL), mqsubscriber(NULL) { qDebug("Thread
> of the class %x", QThread::currentThread()); }
> bool MQMessageManager::processMessage(SG64ZeroMQ* mq, ThriftStruct*
> message, GError **error) {     mqPayload *payload=NULL;     mqCardEvent
> *cardEvent = NULL;     mqMessage *msg=NULL;     QString str;
> g_return_val_if_fail (THRIFT_IS_STRUCT (message), FALSE);
> if(IS_MQ_MESSAGE(message))       msg=MQ_MESSAGE(message);
> switch(msg->type){       case MQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND:
> puts("Received a command");         break;       case
> MQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_EVENT:         puts("Received a gps event");
> break;       case MQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_CARD_EVENT:
> if(IS_MQ_CARD_EVENT(msg->payload->card_event)){             cardEvent =
> msg->payload->card_event;             if(cardEvent!=NULL &&
> cardEvent->atr!=NULL){                 QByteArray array((char
> *)cardEvent->atr->data, (int) cardEvent->atr->len);
> QString atr = QString(array.toHex());                 qDebug("ATR found
> of size %d, %s", cardEvent->atr->len, atr.toLatin1().data()); *
> emit cardValidationSuccess();* *                qDebug("Emitted valid
> signal");*             }         }         break;       default:
> printf("Message of type %i cannot be managed\n", msg->type);
> break;     }     return TRUE; }
> Of course I did the typical connect signals functions. Done in the
> MainWindow.cpp class. After object creation and all the stuff.
>     qDebug("Thread of the connect %x", QThread::currentThread());
> if(!QObject::connect(mqMessageManager, SIGNAL(cardValidationSuccess()),
> this, SLOT(displayValid()),Qt::QueuedConnection)){         qDebug("Cannot
> connect signal");     }     QObject::connect(mqMessageManager,
> SIGNAL(valid(QString)), this, SLOT(displayValid(QString)),
> Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
> Well, when the emit is called the system blows up!
> My investigations tells me that since the emit is called from the callback
> thread and the class was created in another thread there's a problem there
> that avoids the system to correctly function. The problem is that everyone
> tells me that signal emission doesn't has anything to do with thread
> affinity. I don't think so with the proof in my hand.
> When you run the code the log is shown like this:
> Thread of the class 557845a0
> Starting ticketing
> Thread of the connect 557845a0
> Connecting localhost
> Connected to server
> Message received
> Thread of the call c00024f0
> ATR ...
> ---Crash on emit---
> The question is. Is there any way to run self->processMessage(mq,
> message, error); On the same thread the class was defined 0x557845a0
> instead of the calling thread 0xc00024f0?
> I defined process message like a slot. But if I use invokeMethod it also
> crash when calling it. I suppose because the same issue. moveToThread also
> doesn't work and it fails, I suppose because the same problem.
> The root of the issue to me is that a pthread doesn't have all the
> information that QT injects into the software and it makes everything run
> there to blow up when using QT mechanism. Since the support is not enable
> on that thread.
> Any help on this?
> Best regards,
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