[Interest] WebView will someone shed some light please

Marek.FloriaƄczyk marek.florianczyk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 18:47:39 CEST 2017

Hi all,

I need to ask about QML WebView module.
I'm working on an mobile application that should display single web page with  
JS library for webRTC - audio/video transmission.
It looks like web page is loaded, JS library starts up, but I can't access 
camera and mic. 
With QWebEngineView on Desktop platform it works, this web page also works 
when displayed it in chrome browser on the phone.

>From what I understand WebView is a wrapper around platform native web browser 
engine, since Android and iOS supports webRTC what is a real problem with 
WebView to support access to microphone and camera, like in QWebEngineView:
onFeaturePermissionRequested: {
        grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, feature, true);

Is this some functionality that hasn't been written yet, or is it a deeper 
problem, policy or something else.
This is a real showstopper in my project, so I need to ask is it possible to 
add some functionality to WebView module to support camera and mic access even 
with some support from commercial company and later make this code an open 
source contribution to WebView module ?

Best Regards

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