[Interest] WebView will someone shed some light please

Marek Floriańczyk Marek.Florianczyk at fmcode.pl
Thu Oct 19 09:58:30 CEST 2017

Dnia czwartek, 19 października 2017 09:32:58 CEST Hamish Moffatt pisze:
> On 19/10/17 02:14, Marek.Floriańczyk wrote:
> > the problem is the same: Can't access camera and microphone.
> > Please explain me, how open source webRTC should be different in that case
> > ?
> > 
> > There is open source webRTC in Qt and I'm sure it works in QWebEngineView.
> > 
> > But since on mobile platform only available component is a  WebView in
> > which I can't access camera and microphone what is the difference between
> > opensource webRTC and commercial JS library?
> Are you sure that it works on any mobile platform with the commercial
> library?
> iOS Safari has not allowed access to the JS getUserMedia() API until iOS
> 11.  https://caniuse.com/#search=getuser

Right. On iOS it works since 11 version


> Hamish
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