[Interest] Qt 5.10.1 TextField backgound inconsistency or regression

J-P Nurmi jpnurmi at qt.io
Mon Apr 9 21:06:02 CEST 2018


This is a regression caused by the deferred execution changes related to the famous “object destroyed during incubation” problems (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50992). A fix has been pushed to 5.11 https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/225459/ and will be cherry-picked to the next 5.9 LTS release too. Thanks for bringing this up.

J-P Nurmi

On 8 Apr 2018, at 13:32, mail at herrdiel.de<mailto:mail at herrdiel.de> wrote:

Update: could this be related to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-67446?

That bug's workaround (setting an id in background) works here, too.

Am 08.04.2018 um 13:14 schrieb mail at herrdiel.de<mailto:mail at herrdiel.de>:

Hi again,

in order to find out more about the QML errors mentioned in my previous post, I have tried using Qt 5.10.1.

(MinGw5.3, Windows Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299, 64 bit)

While upgrading doesn't help there, it brought an inconsistency/regression between the versions to my attention:


   Repeater {

      model: currentItem.similarPupils.count

      TextField {

          property var currentSubItem:  currentItem.similarPupils.get(index)

          background: Rectangle {

              color: "green"    // normally more complex

//              anchors.fill: parent


          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

          height: 30

          width: importCsvDuplicates.elementWidth

          property string nameText: currentSubItem ? currentSubItem.text : ""

          text: currentSubItem.text + " " + currentSubItem.propertyFromRole("distance")




In 5.10.0 this works fine, in 5.10.1 some TextFields are left white (see pics below).

I can work around that by "uncommenting in" the
    anchors.fill: parent

Is this something to file a bug about or has this been done on purpose?

Best regards

This is 5.10.1 - white fields:

This is In 5.10.0 -  or In 5.10.1 with additional "anchors.fill: parent"

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